WinPE 10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2022.01.03 English version
Bootable disk Windows 10 and 8 PE - for maintenance of computers, hard disks and partitions, backup and restore disks and partitions, computer diagnostics, data recovery, Windows installation.

Composition of assembly:

X86 Image contains

X64 Image contains

MS-DOS programs


Adding Linux ISO images:


Importing WLAN profiles:

Connecting network drives:

I do not have a flash drive, how do I quickly boot from my computer hard drive?:


Replacement of desktop pictures:

Windows Installation:

What is Native Mode

What is an item in the menu - Search & Start Windows:

Burning the image to the USB flash drive:

Update build:

MInstAll (special program shell)Dmitry Malgin (Thank you very much for the adaptation of the programme under the English version of WinPE)

Regarding the "VIRUSES" in the assembly:

Changes: Version history

System requirements:
1. RAM 1 GB / Native 512 MB
2. PC with the ability to boot from CD/DVD-drive or USB.

WinPE 10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2022.01.03 English version

Checksums (*.iso file):
CRC32: 0DD03C69
MD5: 7A4E5230456D16F702E5D85B462A409F
SHA-1: 199CEBA82618DE4476DBC02BE1ACC3B02E8EF9CB

Downloads: (size 3.81 Gb)

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Torrent tracker NNM-Club

Password for archive: strelec

Update patch from version WinPE 10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2021.10.15 English version (881 mb)


Password for archive: strelec

    Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии в данной новости.
    От: Albert
    Thanks for updating the boot disk.

    От: vd7F
    Пока нет RU попробовал EN, все работает, но один неприятный момент - после загрузки появляется пустое окно с логотипом и так и висит около двух минут и только потом появляются значки на раб.столе, проверял на флешке jettransced usb3 и внеш.usb/hdd 1ТБ, причем это время "ожидания" раб.стола одинаково и на флеше и на внеш.usb/hdd, хотя скорости чтения у них очень разные.
    Носители были сделаны без использования вентоев и проверялись как прямой загрузкой сборки, так и через 2K10 - везде такой же баг.

    Спасибо за новую сборку и поздравление с наступившим 2022 годом всех Вам благ Sergei Strelec. Установил на флэшку сделанную программой ventoy-1.0.61-windows всё чётко и быстро работает ещё раз спасибо за Ваш труд.

    Thanks for updating you are good human ;)

    От: scmp
    Sergei, the best....BOM BISURDO....

    От: krinal

    Just forwarding a bug reported by some peoples.

    Kaspersky virus checker no longer works, when you try to run it, it complains about missing driver?

    One request. Could you please add a support for Pan India languages in English WinPE?

    (not as interface language but just language support)

    От: SERGEI
    Just forwarding a bug reported by some peoples.

    Kaspersky virus checker no longer works, when you try to run it, it complains about missing driver?

    krinal, Hi
    Yeah, I know.
    The manufacturer changed something in the software.
    I haven't found a solution yet.

    От: dileo
    Great job. Thanks for the update. Just wondering why there are only 2 acronis versions (2014 & 2021) The version 2021 takes a very long time to backup a ssd-drive.

    grtz, diLeo

    От: SERGEI
    dileo, aa
    Which version makes a quick backup?


    Built my Acronis Shell Extension, to view Acronis backup archives.
    Allows you to browse and recover files from archives of all currently available Acronis versions.
    I suggest that anyone interested should test it out.
    Designed to run in a WinPE environment only.
    Tested on my WinPE.
    I have not checked on WinPE of other authors, my colleagues, but it should work as well.
    I'll add it to the next build.


    Password for archive: strelec

    От: dileo
    The previous strelec version I used the 2019 Acronis. It works faster than the 2021 Acronis version, in my case ;-)

    От: dileo
    Acronis Shell Extension , this programfile does not do a thing with an Acronis image file on my system W10 education x64.

    От: SERGEI
    dileo, aa
    This is for running in a WinPE environment only

    Major suggestions:
    Reinclude fontview.exe and charmap.exe (the fonts installing system is already there, no reason to remove fontview)
    Include Unifont/Arial MS Unicode (or) Meiryo + JhangHei (for Eastern languages (vietnamese, japanese, chinese) fonts support)
    Include .NET 4 (or at least remove it fully from the system, it seems the remmants are still there as I am unable to install .NET because it says it has already been installed, but I am unable to run .NET applications)
    Include the laptop SD card reader driver (Most are Realtek)

    Minor suggestions

    Paint (quickly paste screenshot as sometimes you don't have time to use FSCapture)

    Include an "Extract MSI" command in the right click menu:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="msiexec.exe /a \"%1\" /qb TARGETDIR=\"%1 Contents\""

    A few programs I suggest including:
    ClickMonitorDDC (It seems that there's no way to easily adjust brightness of the monitor, therefore I highly recommend this small handy program)
    F.lux ( Useful when you are waiting for that antivirus scan/data recovery scan at 3:00AM

    ExeProperties ( view properties of executable file, simple tabs in properties dialog
    HardLink Shell Extension ( Windows sucks when it comes to hard links

    Sysinternal Suite

    (pssuspend64.exe -accepteula -nobanner winlogon.exe
    pssuspend64.exe -accepteula -nobanner wininit.exe): bypass the 72h limit


    От: SERGEI
    temppart01, aa
    Include .NET 4 (or at least remove it fully from the system, it seems the remmants are still there as I am unable to install .NET because it says it has already been installed, but I am unable to run .NET applications)

    You don't need to install anything.
    Place the Microsoft.NET folder in the Windows folder.

    Minor suggestions

    To read a pdf there is STDU Viewer

    A few programs I suggest including:
    ClickMonitorDDC (It seems that there's no way to easily adjust brightness of the monitor, therefore I highly recommend this small handy program)
    F.lux ( Useful when you are waiting for that antivirus scan/data recovery scan at 3:00AM

    Under Utilities, there's CareUEyes
    Pay attention.

    HardLink Shell Extension ( Windows sucks when it comes to hard links

    Under Utilities there is a HardLink ShellExtension
    Pay attention.

    От: dileo
    ok, didnt get that ;-)

    Hello Sergei and "spasiba" for the great release. I need to ask you some simple infos:
    i run Winpe from SD card, is it possible to modify the release so at start up windows has already italian keyboard and 24h time format?
    The sencond questio is, how's possible to add bookmarks in Opera so i can have them everytime i boot Winpe.
    I hope to have explain in the right way.
    Tahnk you again,

    От: SERGEI
    fatmexican, aa
    I'm answering on the keyboard for now.
    You can make a bat file

    @Echo off
    wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0410:00000410

    and put in the folders SSTR\MInst\bat\x64 and SSTR\MInst\bat\x32

    Thank you very much, waiting for the other answers when you have time.

    i did what you suggested but it doesn't works. When WinPE starts load automatically ENG and RUS keyboard language. Do you have any other suggestions?
    Thank you

    От: SERGEI
    I have this one working on x64
    @Echo off
    start /b /w wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0410:00000410
    start /b /w Reg Add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v "sTimeFormat" /t REG_SZ /d "H:mm:ss" /f
    start /b /w Reg Add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v "sShortTime" /t REG_SZ /d "H:mm" /f
    start Rexplorer_x64.exe

    От: pcmanfm56
    hello is Visual C++ installed here as well?
    how do you edit the WIM file i want to customize the PE?

    also thanks for the tip

    От: Atanor
    Hi Sergei and thanks a lot for your work!
    Until version 2020.06.09 there were a lot of keyboards available in WinPE, now there's just ENG and RUS.
    Could you advise how to add other keyboards (ITA in my case)?

    executing "manually" the batch file works but, even if i've saved the bat file in the paths you suggested it doesn't starts automatically at boot. Anyway better than nothing ;-)
    Thank you

    От: Adam
    Thank you for such a great work.

    Although, links needs to be updated, because one of them is deleted (dropmefiles), and speed is limited for to 750KB/S and not resumable, while quota limit is exceeded for Mega and Google Drive.


    I've allowed myself to re-upload the file to another host as a contribution to your project.
    I will not post those links in any other place but here
    please feel free to delete this comment if it bothers you (spent 5 hours uploading it):




    Online torrent to multiup website upload without downloading the file on my PC:



    Please note that I don't have an advertising account nor benefit by any mean from those links. it's totally intended to help people with poor internet, especially Egyptians like me and their ISP WE-DATA.

    От: bektafig
    I signed up just to say thank you. Thank you very, very much. On boot etc. no problem, very functional. thanks for your efforts

    thanks a lot.
    it is a great job.

    Also I highly thank Sergi Strelec for his great project

    От: Adam
    Rufus doesn't work on PE x64

    You welcome.

    От: XFS
    Thanks to Sergei provide this tools.

    But I have some problem need to help,that is when I download and and unpack the image to the Linux/krd2018 folder on the USB flash drive and then I can't boot from kaspersky rescue disk.

    Thaks for help.

    От: amdx87
    Thanks for the work done, is there a way to integrate it into the GRUB2 menu of a linux distro and get it done?

    От: 1A.
    @SERGEI any plans for WinPE 11 ?

    От: nasa
    Thanks for the update.

    Why did you remove "WizTree"?

    I always have a problem with this WinPE, when I press tab key to choose a DOS program, like hdd regenerator, Hdat2, I get this error:

    minimal bash line

    how could i solve it? Thank you!

    От: iliev
    WinPE10x64 – 7-10 Setup Windows (only x64) – There is a option for „Моят език е български“ in the installer menu

    WinPE10x86 – 7-10 Setup Windows (x86-x64) – There is no option for „Моят език е български“ in the installer menu
    WinPE8x86 – 7-10 Setup Windows (x86-x64) – There is no option for „Моят език е български“ in the installer menu

    От: colombeen
    I've created a bat file "BelgianPeriodKeyboardLayout.bat" and put in the folders SSTR\MInst\bat\x64 and SSTR\MInst\bat\x32

    When I run the bat manually it adds the required keyboard layout, but it doesn't seem to autoload when I start the WinPE

    Any ideas on what I did wrong?

    START /B /W wpeutil.exe SetKeyboardLayout 0813:00000813

    От: pcmanfm56
    what does the red [Admin_Login] button do on the winPE when i click it the desktop just refreshes and the icon dissappears no idea what this thing does

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